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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What is the Web Page,URL and Browser ?

The Web is composed of web pages stored on web servers, which are machines that are constantly connected to the Internet and which provide the pages that users request. 

URL: Every web page, and more generally any on-line resource, such as images, video, music, and animation, is associated with a unique address called a URL.

Browser: The key element for viewing web pages is the browser, a software program which send s requests to web servers, then processes the resulting data and displays the information as intended, based on instructions in the HTML page.

The most commonly used browsers on the Internet include:
Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator,

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Introduction of HTML

HTML was designed by Tim Berners-Lee, at the time a researcher at CERN, beginning in 1989. He officially announced the creation of the Web on Usenet in August 1991. However, it wasn't until 1993 that HTML was considered advanced enough to call it a language (HTML was then symbolically christened HTML 1.0). The web browser used back then was named NCSA Mosaic.

RFC 1866, dated November 1995, represented the first official version of HTML, called HTML 2.0.

After the brief appearance of HTML 3.0, which was never officially released, HTML 3.2 became the official standard on January 14, 1997. The most significant changes to HTML 3.2 were the standardization of tables, as well as many features relating to the presentation of web pages.